You see when you give a picture of a dog (note dog above, his name btw is Jive.. don't ask) to a normal person, they'd go awwww....
When you give the a picture of a dog to a nerd (medical nerd.. since I'm in the field and all), he'd think of Pavlov's experiment and if the dog had been conditioned to look into the camera when presented to him...
When you give a picture of a dog to Tom Waits.. well Tom Waits would probably eat it.. not because he's a glutton but because I'm sure that's the kind of thing he does for kicks (if you're reading this Tom Waits please dont steal my soul.. pretty please)
But when you give a picture of a dog to ME! this happens...
He would be the coolest astronaut in ever known to sentient beings, no doubt. The cutest too! <3
Seeing that he is riding on top of the rocket I doubt he'll survive.. You know with the frictional forces involved in him trying to break past the stratosphere and all.. probably tear his face right off.. hey now that's an idea!!
huh didnt know that that russian dog that went into space was named Laika
You're mean :( Jive is like Indiana Jones, indestructible by the forces of hopelessly incompetent evil (which hopefully includes aforementioned friction)!
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